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The legacy

16 February 2010 365 views 3 Comments

Jeffrey Yip profiles 90-year-old Frank Wong about the contribution to country he made as a member of the armed forces during World War II.

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  • Bob Gray said:

    Important to document the struggle that so many of our Canadian people went through, to gain the rights that were not given them, because of their skin colour or religion. If interested, I would suggest reading David Suzuki’s book “Metamorphosis: Stages In A Life” which devotes one section to this topic. As Canadians, we like to believe we are more accepting and liberal towards different cultures and religions. History has a different view, and sadly, from not very long ago. Great article.

  • Teri Conrad said:

    Fabulous peace and amazing man! thanks for sharing!

  • Legacy – Jeffrey Yip said:

    […] is a profile of 90-year-old Frank Wong and the contribution he made to Canada as a member of the armed forces during World War […]

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